
59 injured demonstrations in Romania

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Demonstrations came Sunday to protest the austerity policy pursued by the government (French)

Medics said Monday that the anti-government protesters clashed with police in the Romanian capital Bucharest Sunday, wounding 59 people, while the Prime Minister Emil Bock was aware of the suffering experienced by the citizens in light of the austerity measures, and warned that it will not be tolerated protests characterized by violence.
Analysts said the unrest is the worst in Romania since more than ten years can be renewed this week, but they are unlikely to affect the time being on the austerity program implemented by the government, which is one of the reasons that sparked the protest.
Thousands gathered in several Romanian cities since last Thursday and that was in the beginning to support the Deputy Minister of Health, resigned from his post in protest against the bill for health care is controversial.
And responded to the government to repeal the bill, but the demonstrations continued and turned quickly to the general expression of discontent on the policies of austerity and poverty.
The mayor of Bucharest Sorin Ooberescu at a news conference, "have never rejected any democratic form of protest, but we disassociate ourselves completely from the destruction we saw."
Did not provide an assessment of financial losses, which included smashing windows of a number of major banks, shops and cafes and famous buildings and damage to bus stops and infrastructure in general, have not been affected to a large extent Leo local currency and equity markets.
Police said they imposed fines and criminal investigations opened against 283 protesters took part in the violence on Sunday.

AusterityFor his part, Prime Minister Emil Bock was aware of the suffering experienced by the citizens in light of the austerity measures, and warned that it will not be tolerated, with violent protests. He added that "there is much room for dialogue, but there is no room for violence."
Bock said, "I know the difficulties faced by the Romanians ... We know that we had to take unpopular." He added that with the measures, the "saved the country from economic collapse."
After years of excessive spending, the global economic crisis forced Romania to comply austerity program in 2009, you can get a rescue package worth 20 billion euros (25.3 billion dollars) from the International Monetary Fund and the European Union.
The plan amendment is part of the welfare system of measures designed to reduce the expenditure as agreed with the IMF and the EU.
The government introduced austerity measures already Bock, including the cancellation of hundreds of thousands of jobs in the public sector and to increase the VAT rate of 5%.

Source: Agencies

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