
50 million Americans suffered from mental illnesses

50 مليون أميركي عانوا أمراضا عقلية
Revealed a government report released today that the U.S. every five American adults, or about 50 million suffered from mental illnesses in the past year, and it was for women and young people a large share in this suffering.A study conducted by the Drug Enforcement Administration and mental health services that 5% of American adults or 11.4 million people suffered a mental illness serious interference in their lives dramatically in the last year.The study showed that women are more likely than men to mental disease by between 23% and 16.8%.While the incidence of mental illness among young people aged between 18 and 25 years who twice aged 50 years and older.Suicide and depressionThe report said that about 8.7 million Americans think very seriously about suicide in the same period and a 2.5 million plans to commit suicide with 1.1 million people tried to commit suicide.The Americans who suffer from mental illness are more prone to drug abuse or addiction of healthy adults by three to one.And exposure of persons between the ages of 12 and 17 years (8%) of any of the 1.9 million adolescent acute bout of depression known exposure of the person of the state of depression or loss of interest for a period of at least two weeks.The rate of use of those who suffered from depression of narcotic drugs double their peers who were not exposed to depression.The study included 67,500 people aged 12 years or more in all parts of the United States.

Source: Al-Jazeera

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