
Why Russia supports Syria?

Global Promotion Alliance

Russian investments in Syria amounted to about twenty billion dollars in 2009 (French - Archive)
While tightening the noose of international regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad does not seem that Russia is the process to keep pace with this trend, but apparently it will stand a stumbling block - with Iran - in the face of it, it is true that Moscow so trying to protect their commercial interests big there, but they also fear that any of the civil war in Syria to serious repercussions in the Russian regions and other Kdagstan.
This is what he sees by the British Guardian newspaper in an article by David Hirst has chosen the title: "Why Russia supports Syria?".
After one day of the Declaration of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations that Syrian forces committed crimes against humanity, and after the declaration of Turkey that it is considering imposing a buffer zone along the border to protect the Syrians, here is the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov calls for more efforts to deal with Damascus.
It highlights that the Hearst Lavrov opposed the idea of ​​imposing a ban on arms sales to Syria, citing that it is unfair not expected the government's response to the Syrian disturbances, pointing out that the Russian minister expressed his belief that armed opposition groups, but to provoke the Syrian authorities.
This - according to Hirst - not empty words, as Televisa Russian state, Russia Today, the station's English-language, that Moscow would send the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, escorted by warships in the tour for two months in the Mediterranean Sea, and will stop inSyrian port of Tartus.
And works of 600 technicians Russians now there for the renewal of this port to be used as a base for ships Russian, and said (Russia Today) The tour had been planned for a long time, but no one can lose sight of not linking this with the presence of the aircraft carrier of modern American (George Bush) off the Syrian coast , also arrived on Thursday, a shipment of cruise missiles Aankhunt Russian anti-ship.
Why all this rush towards Syria, Russia, although Moscow did not show the same enthusiasm in their dealings with Libya or Iran?
The first answer is money, as apart from arms contracts worth four billion dollars in the Moscow Times reported recently that the Russian investments in infrastructure, energy and tourism Syrian hit $ 19.4 billion in 2009.
But that is not the full story Fezlal Libya sitting on Russia's policy with Syria, which is reflected in the words of Lavrov in August / August thatRussia will do everything in its power to preventa repetition of Libya in Syria.

It is known that the deployment of Russiamade ​​the marine equivalent of any way to theNATO in this area, but that some people arewaiting impatiently for, and will be observersMarine eager to see if Russia can keep three ships big seas without the collapse of one of them?

But the real geo-strategic concerns of Russia,as the fear of transmission of the civil war thattook place in Syria to the provinces of Russia inthe same regions of Dagestan and Northern Caucasus.

If the Islamist insurgency calling forindependence broke out in Dagestan, theaftershocks of that could explode like the one that scattered fragments of hot metal andpeople across southern Russia.

It seems that maintaining the unity of Syria to get rid of the evil dictatorship ruled by the most difficult to imagine that Western leaders thatcan be achieved through further sanctions, andTurkey, they speak strongly, but they act on the ground are more cautious.


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Source: Guardian
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