
Video games increase aggressive youth

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Study suggests that violent video game have long-term impact on brain function (European)

U.S. study warned that the practice of modern video games that are violent changes may occur in the brain responsible for controlling aggressive behavior in individuals.
The study, conducted by researchers from the University of Indiana that the practice of adult male young video games that are violent may lead to permanent changes in part responsible for the control of emotion and aggressive behaviors.
The study team member, Dr. Yang and Wang, research revealed changes in the parts of the brain that play an important role in the control of emotion and aggressive behavior.
Wang said that "these results suggest that violent video game to have a long-term impact on brain function," warning that these effects may translate into behavioral changes after playing the game for longer periods of time.
Has a team of researchers at the university study on a sample of males aged between 18 and 29 years, and the level of exposure to violent video games down before the study.
The researchers distributed the participants into two groups, where the request from the first group exercise video game to shoot, and that a period of ten hours in one week, and then refrain from exercising in the following week.
While not asked of the second group playing video games at all, for a period of two weeks.
Participants were subjected to functional magnetic resonance examination at the start of the study, and then re-examination for the purposes of follow-up in the first week, as well as in the second week of the study.
According to a report published by the university on its website, addressed through the results of the study, is the first time for which the researchers from the University of the implementation of a pilot study show a direct correlation between playing violent video games during the extended period of time and changes in parts of the brain associated with cognitive functioning and control of emotion.
It is noteworthy that the results of this research was reviewed at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, which concluded its proceedings last Friday in Chicago, Illinois U.S..

Source: Jerusalem - Press


Dynamic Camera Server Pack

Streaming online video and sound from capture device via webcam server software.
If you find yourself with a need to record security picture with a web camera over a spot, camera computer software may be the right choice for you. Using this application, it is possible to set up a camera to detect activity and begin recording when it does.
Depending on your needs, the video and audio that are picked up by the webcam may be stored on a hard drive, or if the captured video needs to be accessible off-site, can be broadcast via the server`s broadcasting function to a site.
Depending on the quality of the camera and the viewer`s video device, the picture that is captured can be as clear as a high-definition tv signal.
Using a setup like this, it is possible to provide a measure of surveillance for zone when the economics of the situation do not justify hiring a security business or setting up a professional monitoring system.
This easy solution can save money while not compromising on protection.
The way that it works is to analyze the image sent by a camera that is either connected through USB or using a video capture card for motion. When it picks up that movement, it can then take any number of actions, including triggering an alarm.
A more popular software, though, is to either send live pictures of what is happening in the picture that is covered by the camera or to even webcast by online broadcasting precisely what is happening with both audio and image. If installed surreptitiously, this application could even be used for covert surveillance.
Given the large amount of devices that either have a webcamera attached or can support one, this is an perfect way to inexpensively and effortlessly defend the spot across that computer from intrusion or burglary.
Professional surveillance application is now available that will work for any camera or Internet webcam and for most capture cards as well. You can supervise whatever your activity sensors are picking up at your home or business while you can be half a world away.
The software itself may not be simple, but it can make life simpler for you.
Fortunately, there is modern professional security application that simplifies much of the decision making.
You don`t necessarily have to get rid of a working analog CCTV system in order to modernize to a streaming video that can be watched from any ip connected station or 3G phone. Video capture cards can digitally convert the pictures for webcast. Until recently, there had been no real attempts to regulate the new IP cameras; every make and manufacturer functioned a little differently. And when you throw web cameras into the mix, using one software to control them all was unwieldy.

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