
Russia rejects Clinton's remarks

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Clinton criticized Putin's ruling party, accusing him of rigging the elections (French - Archive)

The State Department announced Tuesday that the Russian Moscow rejects the statement in the statement by the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton criticized the parliamentary elections that took place recently in Russia.

He also described the President of the Russian Duma (Parliament), U.S. Senator John McCain as a "crazy rabbit," and in response to what was said by the last of the Arab spring is coming to Russia.

The ministry said in a statement that Clinton's statement on the parliamentary elections, Russian and similar statements launched by representatives of the White House is unacceptable.

Clinton was described as the Russian elections are neither free nor fair, and called to investigate complaints of violations therein.

The Russian Foreign Ministry that Moscow "hopes the U.S. side to refrain in future from making unfriendly contrary to the positive trend of the development of our bilateral relations."

The Ministry has expressed "regret that Washington was committed to thinking the old templates, and continue to take positions from the provisions of the ready-made, so it does not try to analyze in detail what is happening in Russia at the electoral level."

The ministry stressed that the Russian citizens "have made their choice with their participation in the vote actively. Not only a right to decide the fate of Russian citizens of the country, regardless of the estimates biased and politicized recommendations from any party whatsoever."
In response to American criticism of the electoral system the Russian returned the Russian Foreign Ministry recalled that the electoral system in the United States itself is far from perfect, and that this system can not be a standard for transparency and integrity, Mstdlh of this for the low attendance at elections at various levels.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev warned earlier on Tuesday of foreign powers from interfering in the internal affairs of Russia, and gave his instructions to the Central Election Commission to investigate allegations of violations during the parliamentary elections held Sunday.

The observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe talked about for "violations" in the legislative elections won by the ruling United Russia party.
"McCain Crazy"In a related context, to expect - U.S. Senator and former candidate for the U.S. presidential election - John McCain and the arrival of spring, the winds of the Arab to Russia, which necessitated a sharp response from the Russian State Duma Speaker Boris Gryzlov, who described McCain as "crazy."

McCain and the books yet on blogging (Twitter) "Dear Vladimir Putin Arab spring is coming to a neighborhood near you", accompanied by a link to an article published by the Wall Street Journal talking about a drop in support for the ruling party headed by Putin, and for fraud in recent elections.

Gryzlov is reportedly one of the leaders of United Russia party draws a parallel between McCain's "crazy rabbit."

Police arrested hundreds of people who took part in demonstrations condemning the "rigging" the elections (French)
On the other hand, a Russian security source said on Tuesday that police are still holding300 activists took part in a demonstration in Moscow on Monday to protest what they saw as fraud in the elections, which enabled theUnited Russia party to win about 50% of the vote.

The agency quoted the Russian news (Novosti) from the source that the police are still holding300 activists took part in a demonstration in Moscow, explaining that the reason is that theydo not carry any identification papers, and the right of the police detention of 48 hours.


The organizers estimated the number of participants by about 8000 people, while police said they were only 2000 people, and in all cases, this is the biggest demonstration since 1994.

And across Kiedian in the Communist Partyare Valery Rashkin and Sergey Obouchov, forAstncarhma of the way the authorities deal with the demonstrators who protested against whatcalled her "stealing votes".

In a related context, according to information on social networking sites on Tuesday thatErtala of vehicles carrying soldiers were seen on some of the ways in downtown Moscow.

The Ministry of Interior announced a decision tointensify security patrols in Moscow in the period from 1 to 5 December / January, aperiod of parliamentary elections.

For his part, responded by Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on his party's electoralsetback and protests and promises to offer an amendment on Tuesday in the governmentnext year, but his spokesman, warned the opposition that any unauthorizeddemonstrations will be stopped.

Putin said - which is under pressure after his party won a slim majority in parliament onSunday, after the opposition organized the largest protest in Moscow for years - that the government should do more to respect thepeople's demands for the update.

But he is no longer immediate changes, as willthe reshuffle after the presidential elections on the fourth of March / March, which is expectedto win.

The final results of the elections, Russia has shown for the United Russia Party on 49.3% of the vote, which gives him 238 seats in the Duma, the Russian Communist Party on 92seats, the Liberal Democratic Party on 56 seats, the Party of Russia, just 64 seats.

Source: Agencies
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