
Revolutions of the Arab regimes crimes revealed

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French organization said in a report published on Thursday that popular revolutions in the Arab world has made some Middle Eastern countries to resort to torture, noting that torture in Syria turned into "a government strategy."
The report on the "Christians Against Torture" (ACAT), non-governmental protest movements that swept the Arab world throughout this year, according to widespread and systematic use of torture during armed conflicts and civil wars, or popular uprisings.
The report added that addresses the practice of torture in the world, that from Tunisia to Bahrain and Egypt and Syria, civilians have been tortured as a means of repression in the service of the security apparatus, pointing out that the "Arab spring" has also contributed to "uncover heinous crimes committed by existing systems."
Allocated and the French organization - which published the outcome of torture in the world through 23 countries - an additional chapter on Syria, which confirms that the United Nations where the sum of repression since March / March killed more than four thousand people.
The "Christians against torture" in its report - the second annual it - that torture in Syria, turning more than ever, "strategic government."
The report considered that "the bloody repression exercised by organs of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad aimed at intimidating the people who rose up peacefully."
In the same context, the quoted organization certificate Algerian journalist Khaled Mr. Muhannad, a correspondent for French newspaper Le Monde, who was jailed in Syria, the ninth of April / April to the third of May / May - saying "I hear every day and every night almost sounds people being tortured, I heard their screams rising to convert the old men to children. "
He added that the journalist was punched, kicked and beaten and the threat of imprisonment, and that he was in a cold bath.He added that what he was subjected to torture is not even considered "Taqbila" in front of other detainees had suffered, including some young people.

Source: French
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