
Red Cross distributes materials corrupt Somalia

Almtges behalf of the Relief Committee of the young Sheikh Sultan Mohammed burn materials corrupt (Al Jazeera)
Accused the Somali Mujahidin Youth Movement International Committee of the Red Cross to distribute food to displaced Somalis are corrupt, a charge admitted by the local Red Cross official, and offered an apology to the people of Somalia.
Movement and burned on Wednesday in the "kilo fiftieth", located south of the capital amount of these substances, and said it was part of the aid of the Red Cross plans to distribute over 170 thousand families, as stated by an official of the movement.
ExterminationThe spokesman of the Relief Committee of the movement, Sheikh Sultan Mohammed, in a press conference held at the site, the unit control health district Lower Shabelle succeeded in controlling the food in collaboration with doctors all agreed - according to the saying - the corruption of these materials and not fit for consumption.
He added that similar food items sent to several areas south of the country for distribution, but the movement stopped, and said that these substances dangerous to the health of citizens "and not even suitable to be fed to animals."
Sheikh Sultan and carry the responsibility of the Red Cross, saying "This is a genocide because the organization was aware of all the operations related to these materials, brought from the outside and keep them in the stores, to the sending areas," which was to be spread there.
He denied that al-Shabab Mujahideen obstacle to relief and assistance to the needy and those affected, and said, "We are not against helping people, this propaganda has made, including Kenya justification for the incursion by its forces in Somalia, we refuse to distribute such materials corrupt our people."

Recognition of the Red Cross
For his part, said Noor Saeed Abdlh, deputyhead of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Lower Shabelle province, in remarks to the press, the Committee sent 1700 tons of food specifically for those affected by thedrought in southern areas.

He admitted light that the food that was burnedyesterday is part of five hundred tons of beanshave expired and are more than the province ofLower Shabelle and said, "We have signed upfor the verification of non-validity of thesematerials and we know it is not valid alreadyand we apologize for the Somali people and the administration of the province for this ".

He said that the error was from traders whocontracted with them to bring the food, and promised that they will bring food to be valid in compensation for the materials that burnedbad food, a student from the Department ofYouth Mujahideen Movement cooperation inachieving this.

The order comes two days after the ban imposed by the movement of 15 internationalaid organization and a local organization andone to work in Somalia under the pretext that it has actions outside of its functions, exerciseand accused of espionage and missionaryactivities and the dissemination of the principles of secularism and obstructing the application of Islamic law.
Source: Al Jazeera

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