
Parliament of North Rhine recognizes teaching Islam

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Khaled Schmidt - Berlin

Development of the state parliament of North Rhine German end to the controversy has continued for more than twenty years between the state government and the Muslim minority which, ratified by a majority of deputies on a law passed to start from thebeginning of the year next academic teaching of religion in Islam is an official optional for more than 320 thousand Muslim pupils in state schools in the state.

The new law is integral to teaching the law of the state of North Rhine-General, and makesthis state - home to 18 million people including more than a million Muslims - the first state to allow one of the states in the country six years teaching Islam official rule its own schools.

And supported the law when the final vote by the Parliament of North Rhine Congressruling coalition of Social Democrats, the state Democratic Party and the Christianopposition, while the reservation to Congress to vote the opposition Free Democrats, and opposed by the opposition Left Party, a favorite subject of ethics rather than religion.
Secretary of Education of North Rhine Silvia Oaherman during a meeting withrepresentatives of the Muslims after Islamic Aferrar quotas ( Al Jazeera  Internet)

Symbolic value
Under the new law will provide all schools in North Rhine quotas for religious education, focusing on consolidating the principles of the Islamic faith Bnfos Muslim students, and solve this project instead of the share of religious education pilot study for years in 130 schools the state, and has, during which ten of thousands of Muslim pupils general principles of their religion and religions other.
The Chief of the Supreme Council of Muslims in Germany Ayman Mzaak that "rationing official quota of Islam for the first time in the history of Germany is a major accomplishment achieved through the efforts of Islamic organizations over the past years, for the equality of Muslim students in religious education colleagues Christians and Jews."
He noted Mzaak - in a statement of the island - that this step in itself carries great symbolic value is the recognition of the Government of the German state for the first time as partners with the Islamic officials representing the Muslim minority.

And entrusted the government of the state of North Rhine under the new law the responsibility of developing methods quotas Islamic Coordinating Council of the Islamic organizations, which was formed in 2007 a coalition of the four largest Muslim organizations in the country to represent the Muslims before the German authorities.

Involved four representatives of this Council with four independent figures selected by the Government of North Rhine - in consultation with the Muslims - in the advisory council shall oversee the application of quotas religious, and gave the Ministry of Education in North Rhine to the Coordinating Council of the Islamic organizations the right to object for religious reasons, the decisions of the Advisory Board.
Recognition of a deferredAnd the granting of the new law of Islam's official recognition of practice and postponed the legal recognition of him to in 2019, which would take the law a permanent feature, The president of the Supreme Council of Muslims, Ayman Mzaak "that assigning full supervision over quotas Islamic in this year of the Coordinating Council of the Islamic organizations will demonstrate the neutrality of the state North Rhine towards these quotas on par with what you do with the supervision of the entire church education classes on the Catholic and Protestant. " He believed that the achievement of this neutrality will increase the demand for Muslim students on the substance of religious upbringing.

For its part, the Minister of Education said the government of North Rhine Silvia Oaherman during a meeting with representatives of the Muslim minority regulate material that Islamic religious education is an important signal towards enhancing the integration of Muslims in the state and activate their participation in public life.

It is scheduled to begin teaching classes Islamic German language in the first of August / August next with a number of schools in North Rhine, and the shortage of the large numbers of Muslim teachers qualified at German universities to delay the dissemination of material in all schools in the state pending a graduate sufficient numbers of Muslim teachers by the year 2017.

Source: Al Jazeera

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