
Libya looking for new treasures Gaddafi

Experts said that he will have the new rulers of Libya, a major effort to find the assets and billions of dollars of liquid concealed Muammar Gaddafi and his family around the world, then would face significant legal obstacles to a full recovery.
And U.S. officials have said since the beginning of the opposition forces fighting to overthrow Qadhafi from power that the United Nations and Member States of the Organization of State made and froze assets of about $ 19 billion was believed to be under the control of Qadhafi or his aides.
But Victor Comras former expert in money laundering of the United Nations and the U.S. State Department said that other estimates indicate that the assets of Gaddafi in the United States alone is about $ 30 billion, along with large holdings in Europe and South Africa.
Comras said to Reuters, "Gaddafi was not naive .. clear and easy money, which he kept in banks and financial institutions, western spotted already pretty big and frozen."
He added that Gaddafi was "probably the transfer of large sums of money to accounts in fictitious names or numbers or confidential funds, secretariats or deposits stacked currencies or precious metals or collection and works of art can be sold" like the tyrants of others such as former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and Mobutu Sese Seko, Presidentnow known as the former Democratic Republic of Congo.
The assets include acquisition of shares and the shares indirectly in real estate companies and fictitious names or under the control of the assistants to Gaddafi trusted.
Comras said, "to find these funds will require advanced skills to monitor the financial assets, however, would be very difficult to find."
According to John Christensen, a former economic adviser to the tax haven of Jersey and currently heads the Tax Justice Network, said that the stocks may be hidden in boxes and fake companies.

"When the real owner dies often at knife-point on the funds custodians."
Said Juan Zarate, a former White House and the Treasury, who led the process of tracking assets of Saddam Hussein, "asset recovery is a complex process, not only because of the method of tracking, but because of the difficulties in identifying and dismantling of interlocking ownership."
According to Roger Tamraz, a financial expert based in Dubai and established extensive dealings with Libya, it is ironic that the restoration of the funds may help the fact that Gaddafi and his family were considered Libya's resources and assets of the property to them.
He said for this reason that they kept most of the money and assets in their possession abroad as sovereign entities such as the Libyan Investment Authority, which makes it easy for a successor to Qaddafi recover the money, compared to assets that have been converted to personal use and then hidden.
Tamraz said, "When they (the Gaddafi family) in power did not feel that they (segregation) between what the government and the private ownership of them.

Started by Omar Jamal, Ababneh

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