
Israel's new laws punish prisoners

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Affiliate Program ”Get Money from your Website”Of the Knesset Interior Committee discussed the laws doubling penalties for prisoners

Mohammed Mohsen wedge - Umm al-Fahm

Committee discussed the internal Knesset (parliament), four new laws that would punish the Palestinian prisoners detained in Israeli jails, and is a violation of human rights according to international laws and conventions.

And approved the preliminary reading of the laws during the negotiations of the recentprisoner exchange deal of pressure on theIslamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), whileright-wing parties insisted on giving legitimacyof these laws and adoption, although the first phase of the deal and the release of Corporal Gilad Shalit.

According to this law, if signed with an Israeli soldier captive Palestinian organizations will be charged double the sanctions on the Palestinian prisoners in administrative detention is imposed on the prisoner, who completes his sentence and continuingdetention.

The laws also include the prevention of family visits altogether, allowing the Red Crossinspected the prisoners once every threemonths, and the abolition of all privileges ofeducation, books and newspapers.

Walid accuracyThe attempt to apply these laws in time as the status of "justice," human rights petition to the Court of Israel on behalf of the prisoner, Walid accuracy - the oldest political prisoners from inside the Palestinian camp 25 years ago - and his wife, Sana, insisting it to grab their right to allow them to remain alone to have a child.
Walid signed the resolution (50 years) prisoners in 1986 and sentenced to life imprisonment for his involvement death of an Israeli soldier, and refuses to Tel Aviv determine his sentence.
And the holding of the accuracy of his marriage from behind bars in 1999 on the safety of Sana, and since then prevented from meeting his wife and separated by a glass wall during the visit.
A human rightThe prisoner's wife Sana and Lead "in the absence of any hope for the Liberation of my husband's families, and after that all excluded from exchange transactions, it remains to have a child is the only way to achieve the human desire for continuity of life."
She said the island, "as well as the political dimension to the issues of prisoners, there is personal and human side, which we highlighted to expose Israel internationally, long sing and paying lip service to democracy."
The wife is considered that the sanctions and repressive measures against the prisoners of the product of mental and racist ideology, which controls the Israeli establishment that not only the punishment of prisoners around the clock, but always looking, and to devise mechanisms for revenge.
She said "Israel is aware of the influence and power of the captive movement in the Palestinian street, so take all actions and legitimize the laws of the Nile of the prisoners to isolate the cause of their people to empty the contents of the Palestinian cause."
Allegations of securityFor its part, denounced the position of Attorney Abeer Baker Office of the prisons opposition to unite the couple, which cited that the meeting between the prisoner for the accuracy of his wife near "may constitute a danger to the security of Israel," claiming that it is still in contact with the "anti-regulation."

Affiliate Program ”Get Money from your Website”The lawyer stressed in her speech of the islandto the Office of the prison still refuses torespond to the Supreme Court decisionordering it to reconsider its refusal to allow theprisoner of the accuracy of begetting a child.

She added, "we sought to have a second courtfor a writ of precaution required the application of the Office of the prison Supreme Court decision, deprive the prisoner of his right to reproduction and parenthood, and the continuity of life after him touch of dignity andright to build a family and is a double punishment."

She explained that the Office of the prison did not provide evidence to the court and the evidence - that it considers as confidential - toclaim that the accuracy of his wife might use the meeting to undermine Israel's security.

Punishment and revenge
He warned the Knesset, Arab MP JamalZahalka of these laws that will govern its grip on the prisoners, and said it would lead to an explosion of conditions inside the prisons andthe lives of prisoners at risk of death.

He said the island, "It is well known that the prison is punishment, but Israel's policy is to impose sanctions on the doubling of the Palestinian prisoners, and these laws are onlyavenge them."

He pointed out that the laws of revenge of the prisoners and the system approach to gangs and not the States, and therefore Israel's continued arbitrary and repressive measuresagainst the prisoners as a violation ofinternational norms and charters.

Source: Al Jazeera

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