
Gaddafi was the likes wearing women's fashion

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Detection of the book "the veil of war secrecy of the intelligence of U.S. Central from 1981 to 1987" by the U.S. "Bob Woodward" undated device of the "CIA" official, to the American hostility to Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, and love to wear women's fashion and his love for the dbp game called "Teddy" was sleeping on her lap and the fact that the medical reports confirmed that the American psyche where scientists that the man is mentally ill as well as the degree of a fool deep hostility to Egypt.
We find that they are on 14 March 1986 and placed inside the CIA vision to respond to any terrorist act directed at fleets and aircraft of the United States by Gaddafi, fearing the decision crazy cut where Gaddafi supply 10% of the needs of the American Petroleum obtained from Libya and convey the author a number of items agreed it is that "if the Gaddafi attacking a naval vessel or aircraft not an American response must be expanded but will include the source of the fire only to maintain the size of the response in the plane just mentioned.
If there were American casualties, even if one grants the U.S. president a green light operation against Gaddafi will the U.S. planes begin bombing in the range of the destruction of the Libyan Air Force, especially the ability of aircraft owned by the Soviet forces Gaddafi. If a second response Gaddafi aggression will begin the U.S. bombed intensively for the Libyan oil fields and bombed an influential economic centers to undermine the financial system and economic Libyan immediately without regard to U.S. interests in the oil. "
And tells the author that the U.S. president "Ronald Reagan" was a trip a secret with the Director of the "CIA, William Casey, to the islands of" Mallorca "Spanish for a private holiday, and during the flight gave Casey the latest report psychological neutrality on the status of Gaddafi and developed by a number of great scholars world for the CIA and was surprised by Reagan as agreed that Gaddafi man effeminate likes to wear women's clothes in secret and he loves putting powder cosmetic women sometimes in public, wearing a permanently shoes with heels that would make him seem taller and taller and agility were made to him specifically in Italy .
It also had a dbp game was loved called "Teddy" was not sleeping but is in her lap and he had an obsession of mattresses and blankets to sleep and when he was staying in any hotel in the world was made for them a problem where they had to change the bed, fully in line with the types of mattresses, which was attended by him because he was sleeping with women, but especially the underwear in the normal days are often special women until he met presidents, a worn, "according to information the" CIA. "
And reveals the author really strange and odd that Gaddafi was intimate with the guards of women and men have in the first test was chosen girls virgins and young people the powerful and so they get confidence in them they have had to surrender his virginity was intimate with young men and women in the first day of service guarding the president Libya and was on guard or sentinel first is a Warbler Gaddafi them and the most serious issue's book by the light for the first time it is fact of having Gaddafi weapons and nuclear warheads, has said the author that the Soviet Union handed Gaddafi in December 1980 nuclear warheads enriched a weight of 11 kilograms of the type "HP any U" placed Gaddafi in a laboratory outside the capital, Tripoli.
Started by Naga

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