
Arrests of demonstrators Portland U.S.

U.S. police during the repression of demonstrators in Los Angeles last month (French)

Portland police arrested several demonstrators American campaign, "occupied the Portland" after they refused to evacuate the downtown park.
He said city police spokesman Sergeant Peter Simpson said police arrested the demonstrators Park South Park Blox at about half past eight on Saturday evening after the announcement of the closing half an hour before schedule. Spokesman did not specify the number of detainees, but said that's great.
The demonstrators in Portland campaign framework, "occupied the Wall Street" anti-capitalist policies were expelled from the site of the former sit in my name and Chapman Aonsdal two weeks ago, and arrested a number of them by the police, but they decided on Saturday to move to Park South Park Blox.
Demonstrators set up tents and park, and vowed to stay there during the winter despite the warning the authorities in the city that it will not allow Baltkhiem night.
It is noteworthy that the campaign "occupied the Wall Street" has expanded from the demonstrations in the financial district of New York against the economic policies, unemployment and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, to the protests of many American cities from Boston to Seattle.
However, the police faced demonstrations campaign of arrests and prevented the demonstrators from the sit-in and set up tents, and clashes were several cities between police and demonstrators, including the bloody confrontation in October / November Auckland wounded during which a number of protesters, including former Marine Corporal Scott Olsen.
Media reports have recently reported that the police used a number of confidential informants to penetrate the camp of the "occupied the Los Angeles" anti-capitalist to gather information on the intentions of the protesters before the break-up movement last Wednesday.
A police source said on condition of anonymity, told the Los Angeles Times that the number of informants close enough, with the protesters in weeks leading up to the break-up movement in order to find out their plans to resist the police, and whether they intend to use weapons against them.

Source: UPI

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