
Suspended the commander of U.S. aircraft in the toilet

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Suspended the commander of U.S. aircraft in the toilet his flight to New York to raise his absence the sudden panic of a possible terrorist threat.
According to CNN, the U.S. commander of the aircraft, which was on a flight from Asheville North Carolina, to LaGuardia Airport in New York, came to the toilet half an hour before landing and commented in it because of a faulty door latch hit, so he knocks on strongly to be saved.
She added that a passenger in the seat next to the toilet he heard the uproar, rushed to help open the door, but his attempt failed.
And asked him to notify the captain of the aircraft cockpit situation, but the co-pilot refused to open to him after that suspected foreign Blkinth and the sudden disappearance of the captain.
A spokesman for the airline, Peter Kulok, even after he explained that the passenger that the captain is stuck in the toilet and that sent him to the cockpit, the co-pilot holding his ground refusing him entry.
The pilot said Assistant to the control tower, the captain disappeared in the back and there is a person with a foreign accent, trying to enter the cockpit.
And the control tower asked the pilot of the declaration of a state of emergency and landing directly on the ground, but that the captain was able to get out in time after paying the door firmly, and assured everyone that the situation is under control.
It is noteworthy that the only trip the host was unable to provide assistance to the captain because of the entry into the cockpit after he left her, as it requires the presence of the security protocol in which two people for the duration of the trip.
The plane made an emergency landing at LaGuardia Airport, carrying 14 passengers in addition to a crew of 3 persons including the pilot.


Source: UPI

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