
Rice genetically modified to produce human blood

New rice can be used in the treatment of burns (Reuters)
Enable scientists to modify the grains of rice and genetically so that it produces an important component of human blood in an attempt to provide an alternative to blood donations.
And protein extracted from the rice plant, which contains the human genes can be used in hospitals to treat burn victims and to help patients who have lost large amounts of blood.
The owners of these scientists argue that this study will provide protein abundance and safe alternative to products from human blood donations scarce due to declining numbers of donors and avoid the need to conduct tests to detect diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis.
It is noteworthy that the UK needs now to about one million liters of blood each year but only 4% of the eligible population who donate.
It is worth mentioning that the donated blood is separated into three components - red blood cells and platelets, which are used in helping clot blood, plasma major component of a protein called human serum albumin - given to patients who suffer great loss in the blood.
The protein human serum albumin the most abundant protein in human blood and the important functions including the transfer of hormones and minerals to all parts of the body and eradicate toxins (poisons) harmful from the bloodstream and help regulate blood pressure.
Dr Daichang Yang, who led the research team at the University of Wuhan in central China, the protein human serum albumin is important even if demand is estimated at more than 500 tons per year worldwide. And commercial production from the current depends primarily on the pooled human plasma, which are limited in quantity, but medically required in large quantities.
Yang added that there is also a growing concern to public health of human serum albumin derived from the plasma because of the potential risk for transfer of infectious pathogens such as hepatitis and AIDS. And use what is known as bio-device interaction for grain rice can provide safe and economic approach for the production of compounds derived from animals.
Was developed by Dr. Yang and his colleagues based on the method of inserting human genes in bacteria by using Asian rice, which prevents the plant to biological factories capable of producing proteins identical to those found in humans. This study has shown success in the insertion of the DNA of human serum albumin and protein product was chemically and physically identical to that found in the blood.
And Dr. Yang also hopes to use the rice plants genetically modified to produce other proteins present in human blood, including hemoglobin which gives blood its color with distinctive red and carries oxygen to all parts of the body and are important proteins of the immune system such as Algluben immune system.
The research team also is working on the test strain of rice genetically modified produce proteins similar to insulin for use in the treatment of diabetes.
He considered a specialist consultants in the field at the University of Bristol, this study constitutes significant progress and could revolutionize the provision of blood products for use in hospitals, and the production of blood proteins in large quantities to compensate for the current shortage.

Source: The Daily Telegraph

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