
Obama adopts the method of Likud

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Semi-writer Roger Cohen's handling of U.S. President Barack Obama with America's enemies in a manner the Israeli Likud Party, where Obama targeted his enemies with deathwherever they are, as Israel did not hesitatedays to kill its enemies wherever they are. Thewriter stressed that this development does notsatisfy any U.S. citizen.

And saw Cohen in an article published in The New York Times, the U.S., that theadministration of U.S. President BarackObama's ideology is based on work in silence,which is considered a radical shift in the way the White House days of former PresidentGeorge W. Bush, who was dependent noise in the war on terrorism.

The writer says that this transformation makes him feel uncomfortable, and finds that there is a price to pay once the policy pursued by the White House under the leadership of Obama, but at the same time is to adopt this policy.

The writer believes that the war of Obama'ssilent strikes sudden, may breed in thereceived sense of wanting to hit the United States, and draws a dialogue imaginary to thatin which he says would one day wake up whensomeone in Tehran or Islamabad or Sanaa,"says the man whose name is Obama, I havefought in our country, but he forgot the fact thatyou say, Do we might go to war within his country? ".
The writer depot explosion missiles near Tehran that killed Hassan Tehrani central figure in the missile program, Iran's long-term and repeated killings of scientists Alnueln in Iran and the virus that hit programs Iranian nuclear reactors, and says it is naive to imagine that all these incidents are not related to Israeli secret U.S. war against Iran's weapons programs.

Pakistan is boiling after the killing of dozens of Asala in the American air strike, to the point that Pakistan has asked the agency was ending its operations in western Pakistan, a base used within 15 days.

Unmanned spy planes, the registered mark to the era of Obama, the writer says it killed in the custody of a number of Taliban and Al Qaeda twice those of them who were imprisoned at Guantanamo, but not that she went to the extent of killing an American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki is a short time ago.

The U.S. government has been not to talk about the strikes but too little, but a study released by Brown University, the U.S. said that America has decided to abandon conventional warfare, which may not always yield positive results uncertain, such as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which reached their costs at least 3.7 trillion dollars. The conventional war is a poor way to fight terrorists, and the adoption of the best means of more accurate and less expensive, even if the legality of controversial and open question.

Author reviews the controversial aspects in the style of Obama and say to what extent the target corresponds to a U.S. citizen with the law? It is noted that Iran did not have any relationship to attacks September and that Obama is waging a war against it.

He concludes his article by explaining his point of feeling uncomfortable and adoption of the policy pursued by Obama, says he does not feel comfortable because this kind of secret war waged by the Obama necessarily entail a desire to retaliate and the situation of instability among U.S. allies.

In terms of building the secret war, and says that the policy always requires one to choose between two things left with. The results of the secret war no matter how bitter it is definitely sweeter than the disastrous results caused by conventional wars fought by America.

However, the Obama administration proposes to enjoy a higher level of transparency and communication with the American public.

Source: New York Times

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