
Matsamu Los Angeles resist expulsion

Show the movement of hundreds of protesters "occupied the Los Angeles" anti-capitalism, their intention not to implement the decision of the city's mayor to end their sit-in today.
And semi-sitters decision Mayor of the City of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraguza like "Alert to end the lease for the park."
The authorities had ordered the protesters broke up the camp and end the ongoing strike two months ago in Park City Hall, and includes nearly five hundred tents.
Some of the protesters and dismantled their tents with the intention to continue the sit-in, wishing at the same time there has been no acts of violence, where protesters acknowledged the difficulty resisting the police, but stressed their ability to block its mission if it resorted to violence.
While pointing to some members of the camp, they packed up their tents for their desire to make room for the largest number of people who support the protesters.
Towards the end of the time limit prescribed by the authorities sit a few hours there was a festive atmosphere which played pop music.
The protesters stepped up their publications on social networking sites "Facebook" and "Twitter" to encourage people to go to the site of protest and solidarity with the movement of occupied Los Angeles.
In the same context, he appealed to a number of clergy and labor leaders on both sides the need for continued state control of the peaceful sit-in since its inception two months ago.
The mayor of Los Angeles has issued a statement - such as the deadline to end the sit-in - which he called the rule of the spirit of cooperation, adding that police would allow the protestors to peacefully disarm their own purposes.
Villarguza did not announce the action that will be when the protesters refused to leave the park, but he pointed out that the police and social workers have distributed information concerning the process of closing the camp.

Source: Associated Press

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