
Dozens of arrests for anti-capitalists in Atlanta

Protesters in front of a wall in Los Angeles by the slogans of the U.S. financial system (French)

Police arrested about 50 protesters from the capitalist system the U.S. city of Atlanta yesterday, in the latest confrontation between U.S. authorities and demonstrators against the U.S. financial system.
The clashes occurred after hundreds of protesters left the park, "Woodruff" toward the center of the city, while some protesters broke into a bicycle.
Most of the detainees who refused police orders to stay on the pavement.
The Rev. Jesse Jackson visited the protesters yesterday, and was considered an extension of the protest movement led by the late civil rights leader Luther King in defense of the poor.
Weather examAnd maintained the protest movements - which included many U.S. cities - at their own pace since it began three months ago, but the number of participants remained in the symbolic basis, and now face the test of severe weather.
Movements have found an echo in some European cities, as is the case with London. And saw hundreds of protesters arrested since the start of the movement, most often called.
New York has been one of the highlights of the protests that have received media coverage, since it embraces the Wall Street icon, which the U.S. financial system by demonstrators protesting.
And varied the position of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg of protesters, since welcomed the beginning of the demonstrations as an expression of freedom of opinion, but he later described the participants as "Mqaton," and accused them of trying to enforce the law themselves, in light of reports of investigations drove themselves in crimes involving sexual assaults.

Source: Agencies

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