
Division of the Security Council on Palestine

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Showed a draft report distributed Tuesday at the UN Security Council that the 15 member States which are divided on the request for full membership of the State of Palestine to the United Nations, which is expected to vote by the Council before the end of this year.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, has submitted a request for full membership of the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon on September 23 / September last, and referred the request later to a committee of experts for examination.

The United States was quick to express strong opposition to the request of the Palestinian, and has repeatedly threatened to use its right of veto in the event introduced the request to vote in the Security Council.

No consensus
A draft report of the four pages of the Commission to accept new members of the Security Council, comprising representatives of the 15 member states, "the Committee failed toreach a unanimous recommendation to the Security Council."
It was also in the draft that the Council members are divided into three categories, including first is the countries that support the Palestinian demand, Second, countries that can not support the application at the moment and plans to abstain from voting on it, and the third is where it believes it does not meet the criteria for membership of the United Nations and intended thus opposing According to diplomats in New York.
The same sources said that the representative of Portugal to the United Nations Felipe Morais Cabral, whose country holds the Security Council this month sent a report today to the Commission to accept that Council members will discuss the report next Friday.
Is supposed to submit a formal report at this meeting for final processing to the session for a vote before the end of the year.
The diplomatic sources and reports said a few days ago that France, Britain, Colombia and Bosnia - all members of the Security Council - will abstain from voting in the Council membership of Palestine full of the United Nations, which may prevent the request of the Palestinian nine votes necessary to pass in the Council, and absolve the U.S. rolling Thus the use of the veto to reject it.
The QuartetIn the meantime, the U.S. State Department announced Tuesday that the envoys of the Quartet will meet Israeli and Palestinian sides separately next Monday in Jerusalem in an effort to resume negotiations.
The spokeswoman said the Victoria Nuland The meetings will be held in Jerusalem, will work to encourage the parties to submit specific proposals on the ground and security concerns.
The United States is pressing the Palestinians to get them to resume negotiations with the Israelis. Washington says - sent in the last term envoys to Ramallah to meet Palestinian President - Membership of Palestine can only be achieved through bilateral negotiations.

Source: Agencies

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