
Cancer hits the leaders of Latin America

Cancer hit the three leaders of Latin America are of the right: Chavez and Lugo and Rousseff (European)
Cancer has become a reality in our lives, but it seems that in the recent strike began at an ordinary American leaders past and present.

Has been diagnosed with cancer each of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, and Brazil Dilma Rousseff - which is the first woman president in the history of Brazil - and the President of Paraguay Fernando Lugo. Cancer did not stop when the current leaders, so he hits well, such as former Presidents of Peru Alberto Fujimori, the former Louise Inacio and former Brazilian President Lula da Silva.

Perhaps the case of Chavez is the most dangerous of all, where he underwent two surgeries in Cuba last summer to eradicate criminals and bad men, and then underwent four cycles of chemotherapy in Cuba and his country.

Venezuelan President did not say until now about the type of cancer that has become a place not spread, but ever since a famous surgeon Venezuelan Salvador Navarrete interview with a Mexican magazine, and rumors filled the capital, Caracas, Venezuela, the weakness of hope in the healing of Chavez.

Navarrete said that the magazine Milenio Chavez infected with a rare type of cancer, and hit the prostate seems that he arrived to the bladder. The Times contacted the Foundation press specialists in tumors of the domestication of their opinion about the case of Chavez, and Chavez indicated that the case - if the diagnosis is correct - means that it may not be alive two years.

After the publication of the interview on October 16 / October last has a direct Petkveb Chavez said Dr. Navarrete said that the doctor did not examine it at all, although chemotherapy has eradicated malignant tumor from his body completely, a claim supported by the medical team Chavez
It was written by Dr. Navarrete - who served as head of endoscopic medical University Hospital of Caracas - Letter to the newspaper Tal Coal Venezuela in which he says that his and diagnosis were based on "assumption and not say for sure," and based in part on official information released in this regard. But the uproar that followed his meeting with press forced him to leave the country fearing for his life.

Chavez described the first Tuesday in front of a crowd of his political Venezuelans that his condition "is not to blame," and that platelets - which usually break down and weaken the immune system as a result of chemotherapy - is steadily increasing. "I have great faith in God. Enemies say I die."

But while it is still rumors filled Venezuela, perhaps because of physical weakness is clear to the President, and also because of the grim comments issued him from time to time, in the marches on the student last Monday, Chavez said that he may not live until he thinks Venezuela socialism "as dreams," but his sons Sarunha and grandchildren.

The Fujimori - who is serving a life sentence for crimes of corruption and violation of human rights when he was president of Peru - have been diagnosed with cancer in the mouth and tongue, and was taken to hospital last week to also treat the symptoms of depression and weight loss.

The Rousseff and Lugo injuries have been diagnosed with cancer lymph nodes, while the injury was diagnosed by former Brazilian President Lula da Silva to throat cancer.

Source: Los Angeles Times

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