
Smoking cause of early menopause

Smoking habit shared by men and women (Reuters)
Medical study showed that smoking accelerates menopause in women who smoke, and that this disruption may increase the risk of contracting heart disease and bone.
The study - published in the journal Minobos medical, and adopted the data published in previous studies included nearly six thousand women in the United States, Japan, Turkey and Iran - that menstruation had ceased to smoke at least a year of being cut off for non-smokers.
According to the data relied upon by the new study, the menopause among non-smokers are often cut off between the age of six and forty-first session, while it may cut off the smokers among the forty-third session.
Said study author and researcher at the University of Hong Kong Volodymyr Zvornik The findings of the study provides new evidence that smoking is linked to menopause significantly earlier in the year, and provides new reason for women to avoid the smoking habit.
Among the more than 43 thousand women in the study, the likelihood of early menopause by 43% higher among smokers than non-smokers.
The study found that early menopause and late also increases the risk of disease.Valangtaa early probably associated with increased risk of disease, osteoporosis and heart disease, diabetes, obesity and Alzheimer's.
The late drop exceeded - according to the study - the risk of breast cancer, because the factors of disease exposure to the hormone estrogen for a longer period.

Source: Reuters

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