
Protests on Wall Street .. Where to?

I took some American newspapers protests organized by the Movement, "occupied theWall Street" in the United States, and pointed to the increasing size of Hrakea popular and spread to many cities in the U.S. after New York began shy weeks ago.

She asked the Christian Science Monitor on the target from behind the marches of the "occupied Wall Street," and said that some of their supporters marched yesterday to the homes of some brokers in New York on the grounds that they bear some responsibilityfor the deterioration if the country's economy.

Science Monitor noted that the Wall Street moved protesters to demonstrate in front ofthe homes of some rich and millions of owners of banks in New York, in the third weekon the launch of protest demonstrations.

The movement of protesters also raised a slogan is that it represents 99% of the population of the United States, for about 1% of those who have money and control thenecks of people through their influence in the fields of government and financial institutions, who are responsible for the crisis affecting the economy.

Police responseThe New York Times talked about the escalation of police response in the light of the high frequency of demonstrations on Wall Street, especially after the accession of more demonstrators to protest, and police said that the U.S. follow the new tactics in dealing with demonstrators.
She added that the protest movement that began shy in New York are to escalate and spread in many cities in the United States, to include unions and celebrities and other people of the country, prompting the security men to take the necessary measures, the center may open the door to a new chapter of the movement protest.
She explained that the growing number of fans who organize days after the last of the demonstrators, the protesters make jumping to various areas in the new American cities experiencing a continuation of the demonstrations, which would raise the tension in the country.

The New York Times that the police arrested about a hundred demonstrators yesterday in Boston alone, when the demonstrations moved to different locations in the city.

The formation of policiesFor its part, the writer asked the U.S. for Katrina Hovil whether what she called a spark of the "Ahthelo Wall Street" will lead to the restructuring policies of the United States?
The writer said in an article published in a newspaper, the Washington Post that the organizers of the protests were inspired by the idea of ​​those who demonstrated in other countries in the world, and who occupied the fields and playgrounds in Madrid, Athens, Tunis and Cairo, and others.

And Hovil attributed to the organizers of the movement occupied a Wall Street David Graber as saying that the success of their way to protest the occupation of one of the required public squares, and then start planning on it as a headquarters of the protests and a starting point to other sites.

The writer added that the coming days, the challenges imposed on the movement of protesters fledgling Wall Street, and the success of the movement in the next tests would inflame the street, and thus keep the torch lit and the restructuring of American policy as a whole.
Source: U.S. press

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