
Priests forbid taking drugs

Some churches are trying to convince the patient followers to stop taking the drugs and replace it with prayer (Getty)

The Anglican Church in Britain, a campaign to encourage people with chronic andintractable diseases such as cancer and AIDS, to stop taking the medication and the direction to pray instead.

Due to research by The African Network for Health Policy Health Insurance, he had somefollowers of the Church in British cities such as Manchester and Glasgow to stop takingmedications necessary for their recovery, and ease their pain after they were persuadedto "the Lord's healing capabilities."

Has revealed an investigation by the BBC in London yesterday that the three womeninfected with AIDS have died, after having stopped taking the medicine on the advice ofKsausten.

The Executive Director of The African Network Francis Kicomba that a family membercommitted suicide last year, after the Church said that he no longer suffers from the instability of his mental faculties, and asked him to stop taking the medicine, but his condition deteriorated and he committed suicide in the end.

Commented Kicomba saying, "This issue raises concerns at the national level, issue is the phenomenon of preference for treatment, the spiritual of all the cases, and in some cases is said to people that they should stop taking the medication because it affects negatively on the capacity of prayer healing. We have met with people with severe cases have been convince them the possibility of recovery in a single session. What is more, it spread to convince people of the refugees in Britain that the prayers could end their problems with immigration and housing. and it started to take the form of fad, not only in Britain but in Africa as well and widely. "

The Church published on its website pictures and video clips for those who claim they were patients were "cured" of diseases such as AIDS, cancer, varicose veins and leg fractures.

Head of Public Relations in the Commonwealth of humanitarian British Naomi Phillips said he was "in free societies, people have the absolute freedom to believe what they want to believe in it. However, when trying to those who are in a position of responsibility - especially when they have power over vulnerable people - the promotion of treatments wrong through religious practices, and encourage people to stay away from the correct methods of treatment, when there is much to be done. "

Spokesman for the "Church of all Nations," he told BBC, "We are not Ahavin, God is healing. There is no disease, no God can heal him. There is no disease has no God medication. We do not ask people to stop taking their medication. Doctors treat, God heals. "

The universal Church of the Kingdom of the Lord's university-based and Brazil based in Britain, too, says, "It does not claim to cure people, but believes that the Lord can heal through the power of faith."

Source: Independent

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