
Patients with drug crisis threatens Yemen

Warned the medical community in Yemen from the strategic stock-outs of medicines the next two months, saying that the reserve is sufficient to cover the medical and pharmaceutical needs until the end of this year, the highest rating.

Officials said the companies import medicines and pharmacists that drugs pressure, diabetes, mental illness, cancer and GERD (heartburn) and some antibiotics,disappeared from the Yemeni markets completely, bringing the size of the risks to patients with these serious illnesses who depend entirely on the abuse on an ongoing basis.

According to Abdul Aziz, Emir of pharmaceutical drugs, the stress and mental illness, cancer, acidity, such as Emilio and Norvsk and Diovann and Haldol and Topamax andNovanorm and Ozak, is not now available in all pharmacies.

He accused Abdul Aziz - in the interview of the island - some medicines agencies to refrain from the sale of medicines which "import monopoly" under the pretext of risingprices in hard currency without paying attention to the devastating consequences on patients who may lose their lives due to lack of medicines for them.

Decline in importThe Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Sana'a had uncovered a recent statistic has been dropped on Monday for the import of medicines by 30% during the past nine months compared to the same period in 2010.
The Director-General of the Chamber of Mohammed Almhla of the island that foreign companies producing drugs declined for the supply of drugs to agents in Yemen because of the security situation.
He pointed out that these companies ceased to follow the previous regime which was which sell them on credit, and has become require immediate payment in advance, which enter a lot of dealers in drugs in a difficult situation, especially as commercial banks do not allow the opening credits for business at the moment.

The companies face import drugs currently several problems, including scarcity of petroleum products, and power outages, and lack of security on the main roads linking the provinces, which raise the cost of the drug at a time when the dollar rose to more than 30% against the Yemeni riyal.
For his part, General Manager of "Aljacqui to import medicines and medical supplies," Ghalib Aljacqui that stopped the importation of drugs in full since the protests began last February.
The Aljacqui of the island revealed that the current conditions affecting 70% of the activity of the pharmaceutical sector, which has forced many companies not to expand in the import of medicines of all kinds.

Dangerous situation
In light of the retreat from the strategic stockpile of medicines and stop the import, facesthe sick and wounded in Yemen and features a dramatic situation will become clearer with the beginning of the new year, may turn into a disaster in the absence of a political solutionand the explosion of a military situation and to engage in the midst of civil war.

Scarcity has also led to higher drug prices crazily inconsistent with official pricing set by the Ministry of Public Health and Population.

Indicates pharmacist Amir Abdul-Aziz to drugs many rose tremendous in their prices, citing the drug Jrevik the price of a pack of 200 thousand riyals (909 dollars), andResprdal jumped its price to 20 thousand, the prices are not commensurate with the purchasing power of the majority of patients in Yemen .

In turn, crossed the sources of the Supreme medication for fear of falling drug lords to import essential medicines and vital and important result of the current economic crisis, which could cause a crisis of drug during the next few months.

Source: Al Jazeera

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