
New arrests of protesters in America

Protesters camped in several U.S. cities, yards (French - Archive)

U.S. police arrested earlier on Friday in San Diego, California, more than sixty activists of the "occupied the Wall Street" and evacuated camps were staging a sit-in whichsupporters of the movement.

He said city police spokesman David Stafford said police arrested 51 people who werestaging a protest in front of the municipality of San Diego three weeks ago, and arrested11 others in a nearby park.

The movement began, "occupied the Wall Street" since the September / September lastcontinuous protests in several U.S. cities against what it calls "the greed of big business,"and calls the movement for social justice, she says, very few controlled the wealth ofAmericans.

The process of evacuation of the protesters in San Diego after three days of clashesbetween police and activists of the movement itself in Oakland near San Francisco,wounding one person seriously injured.

And San Diego police confirmed they had received in the past three weeks, "severalcomplaints" about the camp, condemning the "conditions of poor sanitation and the spread of the drug and the accumulation of waste."

Supporters of "occupied the Wall Street" are preparing for protests winter (French - Archive)

Ready for the winterIn the meantime, reports that supporters of "occupied the Wall Street" in the entire United States are preparing for winter conditions, where they began collecting - through donations - clothes, blankets and mattresses appropriate to sit in the cold season.

The activists also seeks to provide a mobile and a small family tents suitable for winter, which amount to which the degrees of temperature in some cities very low levels.

And different ways to deal with U.S. authorities to the protests of "occupied the Wall Street", where allowed to vary between Hamas militants sit and protest, and the prevention and disperse the sit-ins by force and arrest militants.

Fmdh example, New York Michael Bloomberg said Friday that the protesters at Memorial Park in the city center where they can stay as much as they please as long as they respect the law, adding that the responsibility of maintaining the safety of protesters and protect their rights.

However, police intervened against the protesters in several cities, including Oakland, California, Atlanta and San Diego and Nashville, Tennessee, and these interventions have resulted in the injury and the arrest of hundreds of activists.

In the past week alone has been arrested 39 activists in Nashville, and was released later, in San Diego yesterday arrested more than sixty people, and one hundred protesters were arrested in Auckland earlier.

Source: Agencies

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