
Israeli rabbi calls for killing Palestinians

Rabbi heads of their owners called on Israeli soldiers to kill the Palestinians do not arrest (Reuters - Archive)

Called rabbi, a former Israeli army Monday Israeli soldiers not to arrest Palestinianssuspected of activities against Israel, but they were shot while in their beds, in the wake ofthe approval of the Government of Israel on a prisoner exchange deal with the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and its first stage Tuesday .

The Rabbi said the previous major in the Israeli Army Brigadier General in the reservesOvijaa heads of their owners, in an interview with radio station "Channel 7" right-wingextremist, that in many cases should not be access to the court, and that "there is the wisdom of the officers and combatants, when preparing for the arrest of a terrorist such as the murderers Vogel's family, you must shoot them and simply wipe them understand theterrorists were killed and the people should be killed in their beds. "

He acknowledged heads of their owners that Israeli forces executed by Palestinian militants under the cover of the arrests and said, "there had been arrests were directedfrom the beginning to kill the killers, and should not be publishing too much or talk too much, and succeed in escaping must be tried and the imposition of the death penalty" .

Execution of Palestinian activists
"I think that this would accept should not talk too much, and if it was put on the legal andjudicial proceedings, we will face difficulty in that."

He heads of their owners in the clear incitement to kill Palestinians, saying "I can imaginepeople who killed their family members, and when they see the killer, the father or brotherwould kill him."

And added, "I do not consider it revenge, or chaos, but this can occur, and any normal country would have done so, they exterminate those who want to kill her."

And on the prisoner exchange deal, said heads of their owners that the "terrorists" do not have tanks and their strength is their fighting spirit, and that Hamas won the day on severalteams of fighters who have a fighting spirit, "he said," I'm talking with many friends in the security services and have a bottleneck in the throat. "

The prisoner exchange deal entered into by the Israeli government with Hamas provides for the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit captive to the Palestinian resistance sinceJune 2006, in exchange for Israel's release of 1027 Palestinian prisoners.

Source: UPI

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