
Graphics Bmgarh children in France

Cave dating back to prehistoric and children participants, aged between three and seven years (European)

British researchers said that the fees that were found in a cave in France and return to the pre-history is the work of children between three and seven years, which indicates that there is an area dedicated to children in the cave.

Jessica explained Connie archaeologist at the University of Cambridge, the British that the fees found in a cave in Mammoth Hundreds Rovinyak back to about 13 thousand years, making one of the children were identified by sex and age of a new methodology devised by researchers at Cambridge.

Said Connie to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) The more children that synthesis of concern in the cave is a five-year-old.

She added, "We found signs of children aged between three and seven years, and we were able to identify four children by matching their scores, and that more children who drew their fingers excellence in the age of five, and we are almost certain about it girl."

Thousands of people visit the cave which is located in an area Doron in western France to see the fees mammoths, rhinoceros and horses found in the cave, which extends over an area of ​​five kilometers, was discovered in the sixteenth century.

Archaeologists discovered not only in 1956 that some of the most exciting fees dating back to prehistory, and in 2006 discovered that some of the children drew a charge with the fingers without the use of pigment for coloring.

Connie explained that one of the chambers of the cave filled with drawings of children, suggesting that it was no space for them, but is not yet clear whether the room is dedicated to fun or what was the tradition.

Source: UPI

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