
Google Mail for possession of the U.S. administration

Wall Street Journal confirmed that the U.S. government obtained a confidential memo controversial forcing companies spend a small company Google and other Internet services are delivered to the sonic content of the e-mail to activists and insiders Jacob Applebaum.
The paper quoted company Sonic is saying she has resisted the government but lost, and added that the request concerns Berad the last two years only, not all the messages.
She also said that the issue provides a rare window on the growing debate over a federal law allows the government access to confidential information from e-mail and mobile phones without a search warrant.
She asked many of the decisions of the courts whether the Electronic Communications Privacy Act is a violation of the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution at the point of inspection and seizure is justified.
The newspaper said that this law passed in 1986, before the Internet have made Google and Microsoft and AT & T alliance in order to modify it in order to ensure not to take any information without a warrant.
She said that some federal courts examined the constitutionality of the law, in a landmark case in December / December last Court of Appeal ruled that the government violated the Fourth Amendment when they got 27 thousand e-mail without a warrant.
The newspaper pointed out that a software developer working Applebaum Company Tor Project in Massachusetts, a non-profit organization provides programs that hide the identity of Internet users, while browsing, and uses their countries of people living their governments monitor the Internet, and the company gets part of its funding from the U.S. government.
It also said that Applebaum volunteered to work with Wikileaks, which called for people to use the software Company Tor to protect their identities while sending what they have to their location, were revealed involvement Applebaum in the code of the location of special protection of journalists in April / April 2010, said the editor Danny O'Brien Anne Applebaum was believed to be talking no one knows that, and added that it offered to delete the name of the page Applebaum.
The newspaper pointed out that the appearance of interference Applebaum made him a public defender for the insiders, and in June last spoke to a gathering of students from the University of California, said the founder of Wikileaks Julian Assange "It is the biggest inspiration in my life."

Source: Wall Street Journal

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