
Flies medicine and disease

He said peace be upon him: (If there is any one of you flies in syrup Vlegmesh then being snapped in one of the wings and in the other healing disease) Narrated by Bukhari, Ibn Majah and Ahmad .. And saying: (The one in the wings of flies cm and the other healing took place in the food if it offers Vamgulwh poison and delay recovery) Narrated by Ahmad and Ibn Majah
Of medical miracles, peace be upon him, which must be recorded by the history of medicine has gold letters mentioned the factor of the disease and healing factor laptops on the wings of the fly before the discovery of four centuries .. And said to purify water if Flies in which contamination of bacterial pathogenesis in a wings Ngams fly in the water to enter the worker healing that exists in the other wing, which leads to the extermination of pathogenic prions in water has proven experience of modern scientific mysteries, which in this modern .. That there is property in the wings of a fly is that it prevents the bacteria to the area .. Thus, if a fly landed in the drink or food and bacteria sticking limbs gave the drink or food .. The closest to that pesticide bacteria and the first one of which is the pesticide bacteria carried by flies in the stomach close to one of its wings if there is a disease Vdoaah close to it .. Therefore, dipping flies all and put enough to kill the germs that were stuck him and enough to invalidate their work as it has been proven scientifically that the flies produce small particles of the type of enzyme called Bactr Eoffaj any predatory bacteria, these predators of bacteria Albakatr Eoffaj or worker healing small estimated length of 20 : 25 mg micron If signed fly in food or drink shall be to soak it to come out of those objects antibody shall perish germs borne from here science has achieved what he foretold by the Prophet peace be upon him are miraculous for those who refuse to talk and was written by Dr. Amin Reza Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Faculty of Medicine, University of Alexandria in search of a modern fly asserted that the references in ancient medical prescriptions for different diseases using flies. In modern times, said surgeons who have lived in the ten years that preceded the discovery of sulfa compounds .. Ie in the thirties of this century that they had seen with their own eyes the double treatment of fractures and chronic ulcers flies. It is here that science is reflected in its development has been proven in scientific theories and confirm his agreement on the content of the Hadith, which is already scientifically miraculous by scientists now.

Source "Scientific Miracles in Islam and the Sunnah of the Prophet" Mohammed Kamil Abdel Samad

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