
Exacerbate unemployment in Yemen

Aden graduates demanding jobs (Alice)

Samir Hassan - Aden

Cast a paralysis experienced by the Yemeni economy, since the start of the outbreak ofprotests by about nine months, the shadows on the living conditions of people after theloss of thousands of workers their jobs, causing lifting the unemployment rate to nearly45% compared with 30% before the outbreak of protests.

According to economic estimates, the number of workers who have been demobilized in the construction sector alone is estimated at half a million workers over the past months, which points to the increasing rates of unemployment to a record high and threatens thepoverty indicators.

According to the Director of the Center for Studies and Economic Media Yemeni Mustafa Nasr, the tourism sector is the sector most prominent in terms of vulnerability, followed by the construction sector and the investment sector in general.

He said in an interview on the island that information obtained by the center according tothe demobilization of tens of thousands of employees of these sectors, which occupy a large proportion of Yemeni workers, the closure of nearly eight hundred plant due to the difficulties faced by the factories in obtaining petroleum products, especially diesel.

The manager of the center to the decline in the productivity of the agricultural sector due tothe disappearance of diesel, and thus reduce the operating level of the workforce in this sector.

A number of provinces witnessed during the past two months out of thousands of university graduates to the streets to protest the ranks of youth unemploymentAnd to demand the adoption of functional degrees of them, also saw the government facilities unrest and protests to demand their entitlements regardless of Finance.
Nasrallah believes that the rate of unemployment in Yemen has increased since the start of the protests by 15% by the state of economic paralysis which rose to nearly 45% among those who can work a comparison between 30 and 37% before the outbreak of protests.
He added that unemployment is growing daily with paralysis taking place in the economy due to the closure of thousands of small and medium enterprises, which leads to significant challenges Yemen will not be able to exceed any governments come.
Said shipping sources in Aden harbor of the island that the operator of the port last week ended its contract with nearly sixty miners were working at the port on loan.
The source pointed to a reduction in the traffic at the port, and a reduction in imports and exports across the maritime port to almost half compared to last year.
Risk of starvationFor his part, Professor of Investment and Finance, University of Aden Mohamed Hussein Halbob that the current crisis in light of the failure indicators of economic and financial reform of the successive governments have doubled the risk, and threaten an economic disaster and famine threatens millions.
He pointed out that the number of threatened famine than 7.5 million people, and the percentage of permanent unemployment - according to the Statistical Yearbook for 2010 - up to 17%, while unemployment rose to 29% seasonal, meaning that the proportion of total unemployment reached 46%.

The speech of the island that confirms the failure of economic and financial reforms of the Central Bank report on the high indebtedness of the government, and the report of the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation for the year 2010, which pointed to the high poverty rate to 42.8%.
According to the Statistical Yearbook for the year 2010, the balance of payments deficit to $ 1.6 billion, and the exchange rate of the dollar to 231 riyals.
By contrast, the price of the dollar in 1978, upon receipt of President Ali Abdullah Saleh's ruling 4.56 riyals.
Recession On the other hand, he is Professor of Financial Accounting at the University of Sana'a, Gibran Mohammed to the recession, which has been in effect since April / April, and exacerbated by the length of the Revolution and reversed its effect on increasing the volume of unemployment.
It has been estimated in a statement of the island, the number of those who lost their jobs or permanent official about three hundred thousand workers, pointing out that Yemen is on the verge of a major problem due to this unemployment under the conduct of GDP in 2011 about deflation.
Jubran pointed out that five economic sectors affected by its activities mainly in the range of 35 to 40%, the industry and trade, tourism and public sector, as well as the construction sector, reconstruction and who described the activity that has become permanently dependent.
The extension of the recession to the financial sector due to lack of financial stability and the reluctance of importers for the exploitation of existing liquidity, pointing out that banks are complaining about the lack of customers borrow these funds.
Source: Al Jazeera

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