
Do you support peace with Israel?

Raised the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the U.S. Congress on Tuesday night, questions about the possibility of reaching a real peace in the region.
Asked Netanyahu, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to accept a Jewish state of Israel, saying - to the applause of a very hot - that Jerusalem will remain the united capital of Israel, and Palestinian refugee issue should be resolved outside the borders of Israel.Netanyahu expressed his refusal to return to 1967 borders, a position which had been announced by President Barack Obama in a speech before the American Israel Public Affairs (AIPAC).Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called Netanyahu's speech to "negative", while unanimous in the Palestinian factions to hold on to reconciliation and consolidation on the ground, as a practical response to the letter and the threat of Netanyahu.
Secretary General of Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah called for the withdrawal of the Arab initiative for peace "after the strike made by Netanyahu in his speech to the initiative," Nasrallah stressed that "the right choice and realistic goals and the investigator is the popular armed resistance." He pledged to continue the resistance, saying: "No not afraid of Obama and Netanyahu, and not all fleets."
Are you with a return to negotiations with Israel after Netanyahu's speech? Or see that the option of "popular armed resistance," which called for Nasrallah is the most appropriate?, And does support the withdrawal of the so-called Arab Peace Initiative?, And what do you think of applause that greeted Netanyahu's speech by the largest state is described as the guardian of democracy in the world?.

Source: Al Jazeera

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