
Demonstrations in Morocco, a rejection of the elections

Demands of the demonstrators do not differ from the demonstration to another (French - Archive)
Thousands of people demonstrated in several cities in Morocco Sunday, calling for a boycott of parliamentary elections that take place early next month and will be an important outcome for the future of the reforms proposed by King Mohammed VI.
In the latest protests in a series of peaceful demonstrations organized by the opposition Movement February 20, a Reuters reporter said he saw in the capital Rabat, dozens of riot police equipped with batons and kicking hit protesters gathered in front of the parliament building in the end of a march of about 3,000 people.
A local official team in Casablanca that about 8000 people took part in a similar protest there, and many thousands participated in protests in other cities including Fez and Tangier.
The activist in the movement of the local committee for February 20 in Rabat, Omar satisfied that the protests organized in all parts of Morocco to the call for a boycott of parliamentary elections in November 25 next.
"The elections will be up to power the same people who plunder for years a wealth of Morocco and the Moroccan people are holding the future hostage," as he put it.
Slogans and bannersThe protesters chanted in Rabat, saying that "the election charade" and that he will not be deceived this time, as the credibility of these elections will be awarded to non-democratic regime.
Read a banner carried by protesters "should be a separation between money and power", at a time when many waved pictures of the body of Muammar Qaddafi wrote underneath "This is what happens to tyrants." He joined hundreds of protesters to those of graduates unemployed for the first time this week.
He promised to King Mohammed VI, in the words he delivered at the recent elections to be fair and transparent.
For his part, criticized the Justice and Development Party, a main opposition party, the laws that have been approved recently for the elections as doing little to prevent vote buying.
Under reforms approved in a referendum last July the King of Morocco will hand over some of the authorities to elected officials, but will retain the definitive opinion on strategic decisions.
In March / March promised Mohammed VI (48 years), in swift response to the protests inspired by the revolutions of Tunisia and Egypt, to reduce his powers through amendments to the Constitution, was brought forward after the parliamentary elections that were scheduled to take place in September / September 2012.

Source: Agencies

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