
Netanyahu calls for Abbas to negotiate without conditions

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Sunday with President Mahmoud Abbas to resume negotiations without preconditions, in order to reach a peace agreement.
Netanyahu said "The Palestinians want a state, but they have to offer peace in return. What they are trying to do at the United Nations is to get the state without providing peace for Israel," he said, "This is wrong, do not expect him success but failure."
He touched on the theme of the talks without conditions with Abbas on the sidelines of the General Assembly of the United Nations last week, and added I said to President Abbas, "Look, we're in the city itself and in the same building, at the United Nations let's sit down and begin to talk for peace."
Netanyahu said that the face of this advice for Abbas, "If you want to reach peace, you must give up all your terms prior."
Netanyahu made the comments after the arrival of Abbas in Ramallah, where he was greeted by thousands of Palestinians to welcome him after submit a formal request for membership of the State of Palestine to the United Nations.
Abbas said to the crowd receiving a Sunday, that the Palestinians would not hold peace talks without a "full cessation" of Israeli settlement activity.
He continued, "there will be no negotiations without international legitimacy and without a complete cessation of settlements" appear to be a rejection of the proposal of the Quartet for peace in the Middle East, which proposed last Friday to resume direct negotiations without talking openly about a settlement freeze.
The Quartet (the United States, Russia and the United Nations and the European Union) proposed to the Israelis and Palestinians to resume peace negotiations aimed at reaching a final agreement at the end of 2012.
The peace talks sponsored by the United States has faltered in the wake of the refusal of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a limited extension of the moratorium lasted ten months to build Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank.
The United States - Israel's closest ally - said it would use the right of veto in the Security Council to prevent the granting of a Palestinian state full membership of the United Nations, and is expected to meet the Security Council on Monday to discuss a request from Abbas, who came after twenty years of Israeli-Palestinian talks is fruitful.

Source: agencies

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