
British court considering the issue of Raed Salah

Court of migration in the British city of Birmingham on Monday challenged the President of the Islamic movement in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1948, Sheikh Raed Salah, the decision to deport him from Britain three months ago.
And crossed the "Arab Organization for Human Rights" in Britain in a statement issued on Sunday hoped to issue a British court ruled fair in this case "to restore the account to the institution of governance, the British appeared to be Mnsaqh behind the agendas of the lobby does not care only narrow interests."
She said that the expulsion decision issued by the Home Office "is a dangerous precedent, and targeting the leaders of the Palestinian people that work hard to bring the voice of the oppressed Palestinian people to the world."
And again described the expulsion decision is a political decision that he lacked a legal basis, noting that Sheikh Raed entered Britain illegally did not violate immigration rules.
The British High Court has considered on 14 and 15 September / September in the current case, Sheikh Raed Salah on the legality of his detention and is expected to issue its decision within the week.
The Supreme Court headed by Judge Stadlin mid-July last release on bail, Sheikh Raed Salah, said he had not committed any offense.
According to the time that income from Heathrow Airport and the granting of the right of residence for a period of six months, and that the entry was in good faith, and without plans for a conspiracy to deceive the immigration authorities.

Source: ANI

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